Big decor and more: resources from across the web

Here are our favorite places to by stunning pieces for large homes.  Have fun!

1) – great prices, beautiful quality items.

2) – find unique items for large homes here.

3) – express your Oriental style with these asian inspired decorating pieces.

4) – fine antique reproductions. Treasures from the Olde World!

have a favorite online site to share? let us know!

Big House decorating: 5 great tips

Some say bigger is better – but that may not be true for all things when it comes to your large home.  Here’s some different ideas:

1) Decorate in a minimalist style.  You don’t have to fill every corner; let your home’s architecture shine by leaving some empty space

2)  Think small.  Got a  large wall? Try 2 pieces of art instead of one large one.  This allows the space to be freer from a theme.

3) break it up.  Move large objects on opposite sides of the room; avoid large, tall pieces of furniture that can seem “looming” in a  large space.

4) Think lighter.  Aside from antique replicas, most modern pieces are no taking a  turn for the light.  Think sandstone,  washed wood, and linens.

5) Think happy.  when you attempt ti decorate with an emotion, you are less likely to buy “for the space” and more for the people in it.  What is the emotion you want to elicit in your big home?

Taking care of your Big Home – Winter tips

Big homes need specialized TLC.  Protect your investment for the upcoming colder months with these tips:

1) have a chimney sweep clean all of your chimneys in early November.

2) Remove dying trees and shrubs now before the ground freezes

3) Remove all hoses and store in a shed (make sure they are drained of water).  Wrap outdoor faucets with insulations and duct tape, or specially made caps.

4) Inspect your patios for cracks.  Repairing cracks now will make it easier to spot new problems in the spring.

5) Throw out worn rugs and replace with sisal or other outdoor rug material.  Remove rugs that may hold water and freeze, causing a walking hazard.